convenzioni per i soci coop il bernina express


tiranostmoritz sfondo bianco

TIRANO (429mt.)

Tirano is a small town located in the heart of Valtellina, along the course of the Adda River, on the border with Switzerland. The ancient village, with its remains of medieval walls and its many noble palaces (Palazzo Salis, Palazzo d'Oro Lambertenghi, Palazzo Torelli, Palazzo Merizzi, etc.), bears witness to its historical importance as a crossroads between north and south. Not to be missed is a visit to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Tirano, a pearl in the middle of the mountains that boasts a Baroque organ among the most majestic in Europe.


Campascio, a village of just over two hundred inhabitants, is known for the cultivation of small fruits: raspberries, blueberries, currants, blackberries, strawberries. The small plots of land that develop on gentle terraces are home to thousands of berry plants. Here, the temperate climate and the altitude of just over 600 m allow these colorful fruits to reach perfect ripeness and obtain the organoleptic characteristics such as sweetness, acidity, aroma, and fragrance that give value to these small fruits of the highest quality.


Near Brusio, the helical viaduct is a true symbol of the Bernina Line. The viaduct is the stone structure on which the Rhaetian Railway describes a quarter of a circle with a radius of 70 meters, and it is part of the general project that develops in a spiral. The purpose of the structure and its nine regular spans of ten meters each is to artificially extend the route and thus allow the difference in altitude to be overcome. The gradient here reaches 70 per thousand within a very narrow space as the Valposchiavo takes shape in its first few kilometers. In the construction of steam railways, it was calculated that from 50 per thousand, or from a gradient of 50 millimeters per meter, a cogwheel railway was necessary. The Bernina Railway was powered from the outset by electric current, this feature combined with the contact rails managed to overcome a gradient of 20 per thousand higher.


In the Le Prese area there are several BIOSUISSE certified companies. This is the result of the desire of local farmers, pioneers of a way of cultivating and raising livestock based on natural resources. The operators in the agricultural sector have based their work on quality rather than quantity due to the conformation of the territory, so converting to organic farming was the only response to the challenges of traditional agriculture. Today, shops and restaurants are the first supporters of this program, proposing raw materials and dishes cooked with local ingredients. The love and respect of the Poschiavo people for the land has allowed them to maintain high quality in the primary sector, evident to the inhabitants and tourists who live and travel through this pleasant territory.

POSCHIAVO (1014mt.)

Located at an altitude of 1014 m, the village, like the whole valley, is of Italian language and culture. The town is crossed by the Poschiavino torrent and is surrounded by green meadows, orchards, vegetable gardens, and gardens. Walking through the streets of the center, one is immersed in the history of this village in every corner, in every building, in every church. The Via da Mez runs through the noble part of the town, widening at the height of the Romanesque Collegiate Church of San Vittore Mauro and reaching the Piazza del Comune, where the medieval Casa-Torre del Municipio stands. The other 19th-century buildings that overlook it are part of a building renovation carried out on the occasion of the construction of the Bernina carriage road and following the construction of the railway line. A few steps from the square, a wrought-iron gate encloses a distinct group of buildings dedicated to the Protestant community of Poschiavo: the church, the community house, the pastor's residence, the caretaker's house, and the adjoining cemetery, according to ancient tradition. Of particular note is the Palazzo de Bassus-Mengotti, which today houses the ethnographic museum and a weaving workshop, and also Casa Tomè, a miracle of conservation of rural building dating back to 1357. On the southern edge of the village is the Spanish Quarter, made up of pastel-colored bourgeois buildings dating back to the second half of the 19th century. The district was commissioned by the Poschiavo people returning to their homeland after having emigrated abroad as pastry chefs, cafe

CAVAGLIA (1692MT): The Glacier Garden
A natural park with sculptures of nature

The Glacier Garden is a natural park located in Cavaglia, in Valposchiavo, Switzerland. Here you can admire the "giant's pots", real sculptures of nature. These cylindrical holes of considerable size, dug into the rock by the millennia-old erosive action of gravel and sand pushed by the water coming from the Palù Glacier. The Glacier Garden Association, with the help of volunteers, has freed the pots from rocks and debris to make them visible to visitors. Popular imagination, in attributing a legendary origin to them, has called them "giant's pots". Still today the exact number of this natural phenomenon is not known, an estimate seems to indicate that Cavaglia is home to the most important and complex system of erosive holes in the Alpine arc.

FOR THE LITTLE ONES GRUMMO is a good giant who lives in the Glacier Garden of Cavaglia, where he guards the secret of his gigantic strength. An illustrated booklet, designed for children from 5 to 12 years old, tells the story of Grummo and how he became a giant. The information panels of the Glacier Garden are equipped with matrices, which must be reported back to the booklet, to finally reveal the secret of Grummo's gigantic strength. The booklet "The giant Grummo" is available from the Poschiavo tourist office or can be downloaded from the website.


For over a hundred years the waters of the Valposchiavo natural basin have enriched this alpine region. Hydroelectric power has made a fundamental contribution to the economic development of the Valley. With the construction in 1904 of the Campocologno power plant, at the time the largest high-pressure hydroelectric power plant in Europe, the history of the hydroelectric company began. Born with the name of Forze Motrici Brusio AG, in 2000, after a merger, it became Retia Energie AG and since 2010 Repower AG.

Only the availability of electricity allowed the construction of the Bernina line, which considering the great steepness was conceived from the outset as an electric railway. The dams of Lago Bianco and the power plants located at different altitudes (Palü, Cavaglia, Robbia, Campocologno) still bear witness to electricity production. Lago Bianco, the well-known reservoir close to the Bernina watershed, is the result of the union of the Scala and Arlas dams built in 1904. Lago Bianco can hold 18 million cubic meters of water and constitutes the remarkable energy source of the underlying Palù power plant. It is a seasonal water storage basin to be used in times of peak demand, given that until now the demand for energy has always proven to be greater in winter. Lago Bianco can be considered a typical seasonal basin. A pumping system allows water from Lago di Palü, located 300 meters further downstream, to be brought to Lago Bianco so as to have a constant level in the lake.

The Palù power plant, which came into operation in 1927, is the highest altitude power plant in the Valposchiavo chain of plants. It is equipped with a vertical Pelton turbine and a second turbine located over 30 meters lower and connected to each other by a single pin. When the water from Lago Bianco reaches the power plant through a special pipe, it has a pressure of 28 bar. At full capacity 4,500 liters per second arrive and the water reaches the turbines at a speed of about 150 kilometers per hour. The building was designed by Nicolaus Hartmann jr. Thanks to its prominent position it resembles a medieval tower. The position, raised above the current lake level, is due to the expansion projects of the basin that were never carried out.

The Cavaglia power plant, designed by Nicolaus Hartmann jr. in the same period as the Palü plant (1927), is the second power plant located along the drop between Lago Bianco and the Robbia power plant. The plant, with an installed capacity of 7 MW and an annual production of around 19 GWh, still operates with the first Pelton turbine installed in 1927. The Robbia power plant, which came into operation in 1910, with a drop of over 600 meters, was, at the time, among the largest storage power plants and for this reason it was at the center of interest of specialists in the sector. It gave the go-ahead to the use of the water power of the upper jump of Valposchiavo and underwent several extensions in 1921 and in the years between 1940 and 1945.


BERNINA OSPIZIO (2253MT); the Bernina Pass, a linguistic divide

In addition to being a natural border, the watershed also marks a linguistic and cultural frontier. In fact, Romansh is spoken in Engadina, while Italian is spoken in the Poschiavo Valley. Romansh is a language with an ancient tradition that, together with Dolomite Ladin and Friulian, constitutes the Rhaeto-Romance linguistic group formed by Romance languages. Since 1938 it has been the fourth language of the Swiss Confederation alongside German, French and Italian. The origins of Romansh can be traced back to the Roman conquest of the central alpine region. From the 8th century onwards, the region came under Germanic influence and German became the official language, while Romansh remained tied to the peasant world. Over time, Romansh began to be spoken by an increasingly smaller number of people. In 1982 a unified language was created for all the Romansh people of Grisons: Rumantisch Grischun, which is also used as the official administrative language.

Bernina Diavolezza (2082mt) :Overcoming a difference in altitude of about 1,000 meters, the cable car (open all year round) takes you in about 10 minutes to the Diavolezza hotel-refuge at 2,973 meters. Its terrace overlooking the majestic Bernina group offers one of the most beautiful panoramas in the Alps.

Bernina Lagalb (2099mt): A cable car (open only in winter) takes you to near the Piz Lagalb at 2,959 meters. Here in 1983 Fred Zinnermann shot the film "Five Days One Summer" with Sean Connery.


The Morteratsch Glacier is the largest in the Canton of Grisons, with its 16 square kilometers that descend in about 7 km to an altitude of 2010 m, one of the lowest in the entire Alpine arc. The imposing glacial tongue originates from the reservoir basin located between Piz Bernina and Piz Zupò. Halfway along its route, the tongue encounters a rocky constriction, causing it to break up into a cascade of crevasses and seracs that the mountaineers have called the Labyrinth.

The Legend of Morteratsch: The legend tells the sad story of Aratsch and his beloved Annette: the young shepherd had asked a rich farmer for his daughter's hand in marriage, receiving only mockery and derision in return. He then decided to leave for distant lands, enlisting as a soldier. Once he became an officer, he returned home to discover that his beloved had died of a broken heart. Desperate, he took his own life. For a long time, in the valley, Annette's spirit could be heard crying around poor Aratsch: "Mort Aratsch! Mort Aratsch!". A shepherd who was on the alp, annoyed by the long wailing, cursed the poor soul. From that moment on, the glacier began to advance and soon covered the alp, the alp, and the entire valley, the glacier took the name of Morteratsch in memory of Annette.

For the little ones: the Mountain sporit Sabi: His task is to guard all the secrets of the ancient Bernina glaciers, a task he performs perfectly, but Sabi has a dream! A series of riddles that can be found on the information totems located along the glacier walk will help the little ones to discover Sabi's great dream and to learn all about the glacier's retreat and its mysterious past life. The booklet "Sabi's Big Dream" can be found at the start of the Morteratsch glacier trail or at the tourist offices in Pontresina and Poschiavo.

PONTRESINA (1744MT): The capital of mounntaineering

Pontresina does not fear comparison with St. Moritz, here there is no display of worldliness but a particular elegance in Belle Epoque style. Originally, this village was made up of the four hamlets of Laret, San Spieret, Giarsun and Carlinof. Today, the concentration of hotels and shops along the Via Maistra gives it the appearance of a village that develops along the main road. The resort, already known in the Middle Ages thanks to its position at the foot of the Bernina Pass, is nestled on a sunny terrace, sheltered from the wind, lapped by the water of the Flaz torrent and surrounded by forests of larch and Swiss pine. It developed touristically in the mid-19th century thanks to Klara Chris, who had the brilliant idea of opening an inn with only three beds to accommodate English mountaineers who came to the valley to try climbing the surrounding untouched peaks.

For Younger Guests: Fix the Fox: Fix, the clever fox who loves children, leads them to discover the Val Roseg, a glacially formed valley of great beauty that takes its name from Piz Roseg, one of the most important and highest peaks in the Bernina group. The cunning Fix shows what can be smelled, heard, and seen along a 10-stage themed trail. With Fix, you can learn a lot about the forest, animals, hunting, and much more. The booklet "Fix Shows You His World" is available at the entrance to the valley or at the tourist information in Pontresina.

ST.MORITZ (1775mt)

A famous resort in the heart of the Alps, located on the shores of the lake of the same name. Elegant and cosmopolitan, it possesses a world-renowned charm that has earned it the nickname "Top of the World". In winter, polo matches and horse races on the frozen waters of its lake, together with its reputation for 322 days of sunshine a year, attract visitors from all over the world. Numerous sporting, cultural, and social events take place here.